Wake up every morning full of energy and thrilled to be alive


1- Single Consulting Session of 60 minutes

This is a one-hour consultation session.

No follow-ups, no strings attached.

  • Category: NUTRITION

  • Duration: 01:00 Hours

  • Address: SKYPE - ZOOM

    100€ (Paid in advance)

2- Package of 12 Weekly 60 minutes Sessions

This package includes 12 weekly sessions, guiding you into a healthy plant-based diet. Easy recipes. Pick the proper ingredients. Prepare your food from scratch. Break your habits, create new ones. Push through the limits where you normally give up.

  • Category: NUTRITION

  • Duration: 01:00 Hours

  • Address: SKYPE - ZOOM
    750€ (Paid in advance)


1- Single Consulting Session of 60 minutes

This is a pre-requisite for the Strength and Conditioning workout session. It is a one-hour consultation session where you can ask me anything you need to know about training and exercise.

No follow-ups, no strings attached.

  • Category: EXERCISE

  • Duration: 01:00 Hours

  • Address: SKYPE - ZOOM
    70€ (Paid in advance)

2- Single Coaching Session of 60 minutes

This is a one-hour Strength and Conditioning live workout session.

**Requires a Pre-requisite consultation session or already a client

  • Category: EXERCISE

  • Duration: 01:00 Hours

  • Address: SKYPE - ZOOM

    100€ (Paid in advance)

3- Package of 12 Weekly 60 minutes Sessions

This package includes 12 weekly sessions of Strength and Conditioning training. You will have consultations, workouts, and guidance with warm-ups, exercises, flexibility, and mobility.

  • Category: EXERCISE

  • Duration: 01:00 Hours

  • Address: SKYPE - ZOOM

    750€ (Paid in advance)


Package of 12 Weekly 90 minutes Sessions: Exercise, Nutrition, Breathing

This is a 12-session full package that includes:

Consulting - Coaching

  • Healthy plant-based diet. Easy recipes. Pick the proper ingredients. Break your habits, create new ones. Push through the limits where you normally give up.

  • A tailored exercise program that fits your busy schedule. Guided live workouts. Get challenged. Achieve your goals.

  • Improve your focus with breathing exercises. Live guided sessions.

    1900€ (Paid in advance, with the possibility of paying in two instalments)

Cancelation and Refund Policy:

The single coaching and consulting sessions:

  • Once your payment is received, no refunds will be given.

  • You can reschedule your session considering you notify me within 24 hours of the session’s booked time. Failing to do so will result in counting the session. 

  • Each session can be rescheduled once only. 

The 12 Weekly session packages: 

  • These packages are valid for 12 weeks from the date of payment. 

  • You can book one or more sessions per week.

  • Remember to use the 12 sessions before their expiration date.  

  • You can reschedule your session considering you notify me within 24 hours of the session’s booked time. Failing to do so will result in counting the session. 

  • Each session can be rescheduled once only. 

  • Once your payment is received, no refunds will be given for the remaining paid weeks, although you can decide to stop at any time. 

  • But I am a very flexible and approachable person, you can open up to me with the issue, and I always try to work something out before you decide to terminate. 

  • Please feel free to contact me any time, with any issue you are facing or any questions or comments you might have. I am results-oriented, and I love feedback :)  

  • Payments are made via PayPal or Revolut. Other payment options can be discussed.

*Subscribe below, specifying which package you are interested in.

I will get back to you within 2 business days.

Thank you! :)