“To change is to live, not to change is to die.”

That is my motto.


My Background


Jordan 2011

Portrait of an athlete 2009

Finalist at the reality show

Ton Of Cash 2008

I am Ritta Wakim, I am 57 years old, a 99% vegan athlete and the founder of The True Vegan Body.

I am driven by one strong belief: that absolutely each one of us, regardless of age, sex, body shape, fitness level, or workload, is capable of leading a healthy life.

 I’m a self-motivated, health-oriented, accomplished wellness professional with 30+ years of experience in the field of sports, fitness, nutrition and healthy lifestyle

Quick overview of my qualifications and accomplishments:

  • Certified in Girevoy Sports with Russian Master Sergey Rudnev 

  • Certified in Plant-Based Whole Food Nutrition (Cornell University)

  • Certified in Functional Movement Screening 

  • Participant in Fort Boyard Extreme Sports Games, France

  • Certified in CrossFit (Crossfit San Diego)

  • Finalist on the reality show “Ton of Cash” on Abu Dhabi TV 

  • Interviewed on CNN iReport for being the first woman in the Middle East to teach men self-defense

  • Guest appearances on “The Doctors“ on MTV Lebanon as an expert on self-defense for women

  • Certified Co-Active LifeCoach (The Coaches Training Institute Dubai) 

  • Gold medalist at Women’s Lebanese Championships in Taekwon-Do, for 3 consecutive years

  • Mentorships completed with EXOS: A Coaching Academy for Elite Professional Athletes,  in Phoenix, Arizona

  • Silver Medalist at Beirut Half Marathon by Road Runners Association

  • Gold Medalist at Kolossi Half-Marathon, Cyprus

  • Bronze Medalist at 10K race by Road Runners Association, Lebanon

  • Health Consultant for over 20 years


Every time I receive a message of thanks for changing someone’s life - often years after witnessing the change and evolution in them, it touches me and opens my heart in ways that words cannot describe.

One of the most touching messages I have received over the years came from the other side of the planet, and it was a thank you note from a young couple who used to train with me. It was written by the husband, telling me that, even though a million miles away, I was in a way present at the delivery of their firstborn.

He explained that, as his wife was pushing, she was imagining me standing over her, keeping her going like in one of our workouts, helping her through one of the most difficult and exciting times of her life!

Being interviewed on CNN as the first woman in the Middle East to train men in self-defense was a magnificent moment for me and a striking report for the public. In yet another way, being called a legend among the US Marines has been one of the highlights of my 14-year-long journey as the official health coach and personal trainer at the US embassy in Beirut.

September 2019

I have a wealth of personal experience, having been myself a  healthy, plant-powered, 99% vegan, for over 35 years.

. By vegan, I mean the true, healthy vegan: Rather than stuffing my fridge and myself with all kinds of processed vegan food, my regular menu consists of lentils, chickpeas, buckwheat, beans, olive oil, nuts, and avocados, plus every kind of fruit and vegetable. I believe in being vegan for health. I am vegan for myself, not for promotion and social media.

When at work, I follow my RITTASPORTS concept: a holistic approach to fitness that I created and have perfected over my 30+ years of experience in all areas of health and wellness. I have successfully used my concept with more clients than I can remember, helping them reach the perfect balance of fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, and motivation. I walk my talk. I coach people from all walks of life. I have worked with US diplomats, ambassadors, businesswomen and businessmen, pregnant women, single mothers, US Marines, navy SEAL officers, students… I lead them into becoming a stronger version of themselves, mentally and physically. 

1987, taekwondo black belt, high, controlled front kick.

As former Lebanese TaeKwon-Do champion, I used to be constantly challenged by my coach and teammates during my competition days, being told that living on a “no meat no eggs diet” - “hospital food,” as they called it - I will have no energy to finish a fight. But I listened to my body and kept it up against all odds. I experienced some more, learned some more, finished fights, completed half marathons, earned medals, got on podiums, and today, more than three decades later, at 57 years of age, I’m still kicking ass! 


I believe in results and the word ”impossible” does not exist in my dictionary.