Why Sprouting Gives The Epic Boost To Every Diet — Especially A Vegan One

Legumes are fantastic but not perfect. By sprouting them, you bring them as close to perfection as possible. I’ll explain how.

Many types of legumes contain sugars that, when digested, create intestinal gas: which is disturbing, to say the least, as well as embarrassing and painful. I am sure this would be enough to make you want to have nothing to do with these nutritious leguminous plants.

I understand you fully, and I promise that sprouting your legumes will be one of the best things to ever happen to you and your diet. Why?

Because sprouting helps break down most of these irritating sugars, and more.

7 reasons why sprouting should be at the top of your list:

1- Sprouting increases the protein quality of your food. Multiple studies have shown that sprouting legumes, as well as nuts and seeds, increases their content of the amino acid Lysine, which is one of the essential amino acids important for proper growth. It plays a vital role in the production of carnitine, a nutrient used by the body to convert fats into energy.

Note: “Essential amino acid” is a substance your body cannot produce, so you must get it from your diet.

“During sprouting, metabolic enzymes such as proteinases are activated, which may lead to the release of some amino acids and peptides, and synthesis or utilization of these may form new proteins. As a consequence, the nutritional quality of proteins may be enhanced by sprouting in legumes and other seeds.” (Gulewicz et al. 2008)

2- Sprouts create a boost in the natural fiber content of seeds. Within your digestive system, fiber acts like a scrubbing brush, helping your bowels move faster. Some seeds will as much as double their fiber content within five days of sprouting.

3- Sprouts have an expanded vitamin content compared to mature plants.

They can yield vitamin contents 30 times higher!

4- Sprouts provide a good supply of vitamins A, E & C plus B complex; some sprouts even skyrocket in B vitamin, up to 500% compared to the dry seeds.

5- Sprouts are easy to digest — they are called pre-digested foods.

6- When you sprout your seeds, you neutralize their phytic acid. Phytic acid is a unique natural substance found in plant seeds. Because it sabotages the absorption of iron, zinc, and calcium leading to mineral deficiencies, it is called an anti-nutrient. Therefore, when you neutralize it by means of sprouting your seeds and legumes, you help your body absorb the vitamins and minerals more efficiently!

7- Last but not least, those seeds, when sprouted, not only smell and taste fresh, they also double and triple in quantity.


Having more than a handful of RAW sprouts could cause health issues because sprouts are grown in warm, humid conditions, in which harmful bacteria thrive. If you want to eat more than just a handful of sprouts, soak them in boiling water for 10 minutes, or cook them for 5 minutes.


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