Why Should You Care To Build A Strong And Nut-Cracking Booty?
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Whether you are a man or woman interested in strength, or in a drop-dead sexy, nut-cracking butt, your behind is the key to an overall strong body. It will help protect and keep the balance in your ankles, knees, lower back, and hips, up to your neck.
Your buttocks consist of three gluteal muscles, one large and two smaller ones:
1- The gluteus maximus, the largest of all three, is engaged when you generate a force such as: standing up from a sitting position, going up the stairs, running, climbing, or hiking. It also gives your buttocks a well-rounded shape.
2- The gluteus medius, one of the two smaller ones, serves to rotate your thigh, working mainly when walking.
3- The functions of the gluteus minimus, the smallest of all three, are closely related to those of the gluteus medius. Together they help stabilize your hips, your pelvis and trunk while walking or standing.
Four benefits you can expect when you strengthen these three muscles and build a steel-strong booty:
1- A stable pelvis:
Your pelvis is your body’s center of gravity; it supports your spine and promotes your body movement up your spine and down your legs.
Your buttocks work as a stabilizer for your pelvis, the base for a robust hip joint that creates higher hip mobility.
Building strong gluteus will help you create a stable and aligned pelvis, protecting you against back and neck pain.
If you have a sedentary job, you have one more reason to strengthen your buttocks. Sitting for long hours is one of the unhealthiest things for your body, as it develops muscle imbalance around your hip area, causing a misaligned pelvis.
Although your glutes are a valuable asset for your overall esthetic and gorgeousness, a heavenly booty is only a fraction of why you need to care about building firm, steel-strong, well-shaped buttocks.
2- Pain and injury-free knees:
When your butt muscles are weak, your pelvis becomes unstable, and your knees and ankles, which absorb your body weight with each step you take, get under a lot of pressure to compensate for that lack of balance. A firm, solid behind will help take that load off your knees, protecting them from potential injury.
3- A strong back:
When you strengthen and build up your glutes, you create cushioning: they absorb any impact or pressure that would have otherwise affected your lower back. That will develop protection and solidity in your entire spine, from your lower back to your neck.
A lack of stability in the pelvis is the leading cause of back pain, herniated discs, degenerative joints and discs, sciatica, etc.
4- Increased athletic performance:
Strong, toned, rounded butt muscles are leaders in sports, because they help improve your speed and agility: changing directions, accelerating, decelerating, running, and jumping.
Did you know?
A well-shaped behind is one of the top reasons for turning heads in men and women.
Wouldn’t you agree that a toned, drop-dead sexy butt is as smashing on a man as it is on a woman?